Tag Archives: Less Government More Fun

The Unlikely Billboard, Your Laptop

Everyone has been putting bumper stickers on cars for as long as bumper stickers have been around. Have you thought about putting bumper stickers on your laptop? You can even get some custom made stickers to put on there that can say/promote whatever you want.

That’s what I’ve done. It works for me because I take my laptop out and about and I figured I can do some political advertising while I’m working away from home. I love to work in coffee shops and other places to get away from the house. If you’re stuck working at home a lot you really should look into getting a laptop (maybe look on the Laptop Grader website for a buying guide) and putting a few stickers on it as well to advertise what you’re all about.

Here’s what I’ve got on my laptop:


The first sticker, “Less Government, More Fun” is part of a line of gear that’s sold here. I got the sticker, along with some wristbands, and at least one camo koozie free when I ordered one of their mint colored T-shirts with that slogan. When I wear the shirt out, I get lots of attention, which is weird becaue I actually try to avoid attention when I’m out.

The second sticker I’m afraid is not for sale, well at least the version I have on my computer. The sticker is a Gadsden flag (you can find plenty of those stickers anywhere), but mine came from Generation Opportunity. I got it when I filled out a questionaire and survey from them. The problem was I didn’t what to do with it because I already had a Gadsden flag sticker on my truck, so I decided to put it on the laptop. So far I just have the two but I’m been thinking about adding some of my own. I’ve even been considering buying the best sticker printer I can find so I can make and sell some of my own designs. Let me know if you have any ideas!

Am I the only one who decorates their laptop? I can’t be the only one right? I know someone who decorates their laptop and desktop. A friend of mine even uses the MSI Mystic Light software (see the msi mystic light download information here). If you decorate your laptop or desktop, what do you have on yours? Sound off in the comments!

I’m one of the original co-founders of The Liberty Papers all the way back in 2005. Since then, I wound up doing this blogging thing professionally. Now I’m running the site now. You can find my other work at The Hayride.com and Rare. You can also find me over at the R Street Institute.