Monday Meme

Off topic, and downright embarrassing.

From Megan McArdle, the idea is to go back to, log in and find your first order.

Mine — well, bear in mind that I was 21 years old at the time, but back in 1999 my first order occurred on my 21st birthday, so I assume it was from a gift certificate. I ordered CD’s by Dave Matthews Band (2), Korn, Limp Bizkit, Lo-Fidelity All-stars, and Moxy Früvous, proving that my taste in music at the time was both exceedingly bad and mind-bogglingly eclectic. At least there wasn’t any Rammstein in there. Yes, very embarrassing.

I have to then redeem myself and post my second Amazon order as well, which was my first book order, and of course was The Fountainhead. I read Anthem in high school, and had just read Atlas Shrugged for the first time a few months prior, so I was hooked.

To my co-contributors, readers, and other bloggers, feel free to post your own.