Irony of the Day

I was about to crash for the night until I ran into this one at Hot Air: “Fullerton Tea Party gets 15,000 protestors.”

Sort of like Alabama when Republican Governor Riley tried to shove my state’s largest tax increase proposal up our collective wallets, most of the protesters in California were protesting their Republican Governor.  I’ll blockquote their blockquote:

Police estimated that some 8,000 people came to the Slidebar Café in downtown Fullerton to listen to a three-hour live broadcast of The John & Ken Show.

Some wore buttons. One man brought a bloody effigy head of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and waved it from the end of a pike, while the crowd joined their hosts in a chant of “Repeal, recall, revolt.”

Others directed their outrage at less personal synechdoche: “Total Recall” laser discs, action hero lunchboxes and other memorabilia from the governor’s Hollywood career, which they piled up and smashed with a sledgehammer.

When will the nitwits on the right understand that they are just as nitwitty as the nitwits on the left?