Two Great Reads

I found a couple of really great articles I would like to pass on to our readers.

The first is an article posted at by John Stossel entitled: Legalize All Drugs. In this article, Stossel busts several myths about the war on (some) drugs such as “Heroin and cocaine have a permanent effect,” “If you do crack once, you are hooked,” and “Drugs cause crime.” The main point to Stossel’s article, however; is that rather than arguing for legalization for one drug (i.e. marijuana), libertarians should be working to legalize all drugs.

While I share his belief that all drugs should be legalized, I also understand that short of a Barr administration putting the brakes on the war on (some) drugs, the way to realize our ultimate goal will probably have to be done incrementally.

The second article comes from Capitalism Magazine by Dr. Richard Parker, Ted Kennedy vs. Universal Healthcare: A Double Irony.

It was reported that Senator Kennedy chose his surgeon for this difficult operation after very careful research and consultation with his physicians in Boston. Using his free and independent judgment, Kennedy chose Dr. Allan Friedman, a surgeon renowned for his experience and expertise in the field of neuro-oncological surgery.

No government regulations restricted the Senator in this extremely important personal choice. Facing a life threatening illness, no bureaucrat forced the Senator to chose his surgeon nor hospital from a government “approved” list–a list not generated by Kennedy’s independent and free judgment, but by “public servants” who’s expertise is not Kennedy’s life, but the arbitrary and byzantine politics of “pull”, of favors owed and collected, of political pressure groups and the bitter reality of healthcare rationing. No, Kennedy was not forced to sacrifice his life, liberty nor property in the name of the so-called “greater public good.”