Republican Congressmen Ask Shadegg To Reconsider Retirement

Earlier this week I noted that Arizona Congressman John Shadegg, one of the few true fiscal conservatives in the House Republican leadership, had announced his retirement.

Yesterday, his colleagues sent him a letter asking him to reconsider:

More than 130 Republicans in Congress have signed a letter imploring U.S. Rep. John Shadegg to reconsider his decision to retire at the end of his term.

Shadegg’s office learned of the letter late Thursday and the congressman’s Chief of Staff, Sean Noble, said Shadegg could reconsider his decision in the next few days. “I think it’s kind of a take your breath away moment,” Noble said. “You’re going to have to stop and think.”

No one in Shadegg’s office, including the Congressman, has seen the letter, Noble said, but the simple fact that it exists, and contains so much support for the seven-term Republican is impressive.


The letter asks Shadegg to run for re-election, because he is “helping Republicans return to core principles.”

“John, you continue to inspire, embolden and lead. The Republican Conference needs you here, the Conservative Movement needs you here, and the country needs you here,” the congressmen wrote.

Congressmen Mike Pence, R-Ind.,4 and Jeb Hensarling, R-Tex.,4 reportedly drafted the letter. A representative from Pence’s office provided The Republic with the statement.

Supporters reportedly gathered the 138 signatures, including every member of the House Republican leadership, in about two hours Thursday.

Here’s hoping that Shadegg does reconsider. Of course, his return to the House could be short-lived; if John McCain does win in November his Senate seat will be vacant and Shadegg has said in the past that he would consider running for the Senate if either McCain or John Kyl didn’t.