Quote Of The Day: There Are No Libertarian Gods Edition

This is exactly the wrong way to think about a politician, and, ironically, it comes from someone who supports a candidate who has run on a campaign of individual rights:

Ron Paul called for a march. If you are a supporter, youll go or at least try to. Anyone who thinks this isnt a good idea are not supporting Ron Paul. He is smarter than most of you if not all of you.

No politician, not Ronald Reagan, not Bill Clinton, not Thomas Jefferson, and not even Ron Paul is someone that we are required to obey whenever they express an idea. And anyone who cares about freedom and individual rights should reject the idea that any politician is smarter than they are.

Admittedly, this is from one person and not all Paul supporters are like this, but he’s not alone either. All too often, I’ve encountered people coming here to tell me how dare I disagree with the great Ron Paul.

Well, let me just say it.

Ron Paul is a good man, he’s got some good ideas. But, and I bet even he’d agree with this, he’s not perfect and treating him like he is, or like anyone who dares disagree with him is either per se wrong, involved in some wacked-out conspiracy, or worthy of being derided with profanity simply isn’t justified.

Blind obedience to one man, any man, is something that no person who claims to love liberty should ever fall victim to.