Boston Looking To Sieze Your Guns

Boston to press Congress for tougher gun laws

Boston, facing a spike in gun violence and murders, will press the new Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives to come up with tougher national gun laws, Boston’s mayor said on Tuesday.

Thomas Menino, who has led a nationwide campaign against inner-city gun violence, said he would meet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) of California in Washington this month to push for stricter gun laws.

“We need to convince Congress to pass common sense gun laws — laws that punish immoral gun dealers and protect our citizens,” he said in his annual “State of the City” address.

Boston’s been facing a spike in gun violence over the last two years. If you want a correlation/causation quandary, the next line in the story may present one for you.

Menino, a Democrat, said police took more than 1,800 guns off of Boston’s streets last year, twice as many as 2005.

This story, like many others, point out the implicit assumption gun control advocates are making. They assume that if you write laws trying to restrict ownership of guns, guns will magically go away. In reality, nothing is further from the truth. Legislation rarely eliminates whatever it bans, it just makes sure that only those willing to break the law will get a hold of it.

“Guns create fear that can kill our communities,” Menino said in the 89-year-old Strand Theater in Dorchester, one of Boston’s most violent neighborhoods.

No, criminals create fear that can kill our communities. Guns empower individuals to stand up to those criminals. If guns really create fear, we should take them away from the police. But inanimate objects don’t create fear, it’s the person wielding a gun which creates fear.