Category Archives: Humor

DC Government Got This One Bass-ackwards

The District of Columbia intends to create Prostitution Free Zones during Obama’s inauguration.  From WUSA:

District police have placed signs along 5th and I Streets. They read, “Warning, Prostitution Free Zone.” Those who disobey could be fined 300 dollars, and even jailed. But will the city’s plan work?

DC City Councilman Jim Graham said officers cannot enforce loitering laws, which is the reason for these signs.

“Because this is focused, its limited in time, its aimed at a very specific issue, if you don’t move along, well put you in the car,” he said.

Whomever planned this really doesn’t know DC geography very well.  The last time I checked, the Johns hang out on K Street.  The prostitutes do most of their business from the Cannon, Rayburn and Longworth Office Buildings.  When the prostitution happens in DC, unlike the time-honored tradition of the world’s oldest trade, it’s the taxpayers who get screwed.

I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

On June 23, minor-league baseball’s Brooklyn Cyclones will become the Baracklyn Cyclones.

Now, discounting my internal BS meter that suggests that this could be a slight hoax (albeit not one that I care to spend much time fact-checking), I see that they’re apparently minor-league when it applies to semantics as well. One of the festivities:

Universal Health Care: Free Band-Aids to the first 1,000 fans

The first 1,000? That hardly seems universal, now doesn’t it? I’d call that “rationing”.

Hat Tip: Hit & Run

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