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Whenever a true liberal is persecuted

— whenever a friend of freedom

is silenced — whenever anyone who champions the individual against the ridiculous romance of the state is com Most popular and currently trending stories Share important stories with your friends via Facebook, Twitter and email, directly from the appExclusive content: Late and breaking news information Comprehensive coverage serving an 11-county area in South Texas, including Nueces, San Patricio, Aransas, Kleberg, McMullen, Live Oak, Bee, Refugio, Duval, Jim Wells and Kenedy counties Hurricane, tropical and severe weather coverage Extensive crime news coverage Columnist reports Information on community events, such as Best of the Best, Conquer the Coast, Beach to Bay marathon, Buc Days and Hunting Season Restaurant listings and reviews Exclusive local entertainment news and events, including live music, night clubs, arts and more Complete high school, college and professional sports coverage, including:o High driving lessons chicago sports, including football and baseballo Corpus Christi Hooks baseballo Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi Islander Athleticso University of Texas Longhornso Dallas Cowboyso IceRays Hockeyo San Antonio Spurs Photo Galleries Editorials and letters to the editor Obituaries Exclusive app features: Breaking news information and content, updated as stories develop Updated text stories, video and photos from the Caller-Times and Caller. threatened with violence because of his or her opposition to tyranny —

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Don Boudreaux


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Is Iraq Winnable?

In a recent Slate article, Christopher Hitchens lays into James Baker, head of the Iraq Study Group. Hitchens: “Baker was quoted as saying, with great self-satisfaction, that nobody ever asks him any more about the decision to leave Saddam Hussein in power in 1991.”

In 1991, for those who keep insisting on the importance of sending

enough troops, there were half a million already-triumphant Allied soldiers on the scene. Iraq was stuffed with weapons of mass destruction, just waiting to be discovered by the inspectors of UNSCOM. The mass graves were fresh. The strength of sectarian militias was slight. The influence of Iran, still recovering from the devastating aggression of Saddam Hussein, was limited. Syria was—let's give Baker his due—”on side.” The Iraqi Baathists were demoralized by the sheer speed and ignominy of their eviction from Kuwait and completely isolated even from their usual protectors in Moscow, Paris, and Beijing. There would never have been a better opportunity to “address the cause” and to remove a dictator who was a permanent menace to his subjects, his neighbors, and the world beyond. Instead, he was

shamefully confirmed in power and a miserable 12-year period of sanctions helped him to enrich himself and to create the immiserated, uneducated, unemployed underclass that is now one of the “root causes” of a new social breakdown in Iraq. It seems a bit much that the man principally responsible for all this should be so pleased with himself and that he should be hailed on all sides as the very model of the statesmanship we now need.

Whether or not you were in favor of toppling Saddam, the fact is: he’s gone and we’re there. So, the question now is: can we win? Can the U.S. and coalition forces quell sectarian violence enough for the fledgling Iraqi government to establish and maintain peace?

It seems that the newly elected Democrat House and Senate, and very likely, the Bush administration, are eagerly awaiting the recommendations of the ISG, which is expected to call for regional diplomacy (read that: negotiations with Iran and Syria). I wonder, though, what they hope to gain from such negotiations. Does anyone really think that Iran or Syria is interested in assisting the West; that they’ll suddenly tolerate liberalism and modernity and how to save money on car repairs allow Iraq become the “democracy” that Bush envisions?


Vote Buying 101

NY Times:

I very rarely agree with Democrats, but as the saying goes: a broken clock is right twice a day.

“You don’t have to be a law enforcement or engineering expert to know that a 700-mile fence on a 2,000-mile border makes no sense,” said Senator Richard J.

Durbin of Illinois, the second-ranking Democrat in online slots

the Senate.

Who cares if it’s a massive waste of money, they’re trying to retain their position

of power by claiming to be “doing the will of cancer horoscope knows only one exception, books: Libras always like reading and get great pleasure even from reading complicated scientific works due to their unique ability to concentrate. the people”.

And while Congress wants 700 miles of fencing, it was appropriating only enough money to complete about 370 miles of it, Congressional aides acknowledged, leaving it unclear as to whether the entire structure will be built.

When the dust of the campaigns and election has settled, they can just ? quote Bill Clinton: “at least we tried”.


Bad News!

Check out the McCain-Feingold Iron Curtain Roundup. Remember

McCain-Feingold, aka the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002? It’s that lovely little law that once threatened to silence the nbso political blogosphere 60

days prior to an

election and does prohibit “broadcast advertising that contains criticism of members of Congress seeking re-election in November.”

[h/t Coyote Blog]
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Good News!

Well, it looks as though Radly Balko’s relentless coverage of a horrible miscarriage of justice has finally paid off:

“Cory Maye will not sleep on

death row tonight. Nor, for that matter, any night for the foreseeable future.”

A while back,

I mentioned Maye’s story (here), with more links to others’ thoughts on the subject.

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